Livingston Manor is proud to announce that many school supplies will be provided to elementary school students, lessening the amount of supplies parents and guardians will need to buy for their students. The district is providing the following items: Crayons (24 packs) Colored pencils Facial tissues One-gallon zip-top bags sandwich zip-top bags Glue sticks #2 Pencils Pink erasers Pencil top erasers Teachers have sent lists home to parents and guardians for specific items needed for their classrooms.
6 months ago, Livingston Manor Central School
A collage of school supplies, crayons, colored pencils, pink erasers, pencil top erasers, pencils, facial tissues and zip-top bags
Good evening Parents and Guardians! We are calling to inform families about the upcoming fall athletic practices. Varsity Football, Varsity Cross Country, and JV Volleyball practice will be held Monday, August 26th, 2024, at 8:00 AM and will run until 10:00 AM. The practices will be held at LMCS. Varsity Soccer practice will be held on Monday, August 26th, 2024, at 10:00 AM and will run until 12:00 PM. The practice will be held at LMCS. Additionally, you can find this information on the school website's Athletics page. If you scroll down, you'll find a "Athletics Weekly Posting Schedule" link that provides practice times and locations. The website also has a "Fall Sports" link that will direct you to information about all the programs being offered and their respective coaches. Please feel free to reach out to the coach if you have any further questions. Thank you.
6 months ago, LMCS Updates
Hello Parents and Guardians! We hope this message finds you well. We wanted to provide a reminder that Arbiter Sports registration is now open for our Varsity, Junior Varsity, and Modified student-athletes. Please ensure your child's physical is up-to-date before the start of the season. Additionally, Varsity football practice begins on Monday, August 19th, while all other Varsity and Junior Varsity sports practices will start on Monday, August 26th. Modified sports practices for all teams will commence on the first day of school, Thursday, September 5th. We are excited to see our student-athletes on the field and court!
6 months ago, LMCS Updates
Hello Parents and Guardians! We hope this message finds you well. We wanted to provide a reminder that Arbiter Sports registration is now open for our Varsity and Junior Varsity student-athletes. Registration for Modified student-athletes will open on Monday, August 12th. Please ensure your child's physical is up-to-date before the start of the season. Additionally, Varsity football practice begins on Monday, August 19th, while all other Varsity and Junior Varsity sports practices will start on Monday, August 26th. Modified sports practices for all teams will commence on the first day of school, Thursday, September 5th. We are excited to see our student-athletes on the field and court!
6 months ago, LMCS Updates
Livingston Manor and Roscoe Volleyball will host optional open gym sessions for students entering grades 7-12 who are interested in playing during the 2024-25 school year. It will be a chance for student athletes to dust off their skills and get back on the court. Athletes can come to sessions at both schools, regardless of their home school. Open gym sessions will be held from 8 to 10 a.m. Tuesdays and Thursdays, Aug. 13 to 22. Sessions will be in Roscoe on Aug. 13 and 15 and in Livingston Manor on Aug. 20 and 22. Open gyms will require indoor sneakers (for volleyball use only). Kneepads are encouraged (not mandatory), but will be required for the start of the season. For more information, email coaches Jan LeMyre at or Yomary Rodriguez at
6 months ago, Livingston Manor Central School
LMCS and Roscoe Logos with a volleyball and net and Volleyball Open gym
Action Toward Independence will have its annual Backpack Program from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Aug. 19-30 at its offices at 309 East Broadway in Monticello. The goal is to assist Sullivan County 5-12 students who have an IEP, 504 or are enrolled with OPWDD. Proof of eligibility is required and supplies are limited. Registration is required. For more information or to register, call 845-794-4228 or visit
7 months ago, Livingston Manor Central School
A flyer with information about the program in the post
School may be over for the summer, but the learning and fun continues in the summer program.
7 months ago, Livingston Manor Central School
Three students tie-dye shirts
Two students paint a cardboard rocket ship, as a student works in the background
Students  pose in costumes for a play about ancient gods.
A student sits inside a cone as an adult helps her move the cone
An adult reads a book to four students
three students work on papers as a adults sits on the other side of a crescent shaped table
a student rolls a ball toward a target as other students watch
Two students work on an art project at a table.
Older students in the summer program created and researched the solar system and presented it to the kindergarten students. A great way to incorporate art and public speaking.
7 months ago, Livingston Manor Central School
Older students stand behind a table with a model of the solar system on it as younger students sit on the floor watching.
Livingston Manor Central School Youth Ambassadors will host a Career Fair on Nov. 26 in the New Gym. The make up day for the event, which will have a theme of "Explore your future," will be Dec. 2. The group is looking for presenters. Those who are interested are asked to email or, or call 845-439-4400 for more information. RSVPs are requested by Nov. 1.
7 months ago, Livingston Manor Central School
A flyer for the event featuring a person dressed in a safari outfit looking through binoculars and three tropical birds, along with  the information included in the post.
Livingston Manor's Summer Program is underway, offering students a chance for enriching activities including lessons, field trips, play and more. Here students in prek, kindergarten and the k-2 class visited Wild Roots Community Farm to learn about bread making with locally sourced ingredients and kindergartners had sensory play time in the gym.
7 months ago, Livingston Manor Central School
A woman  points to a log cabin outdoor kitchen as a man stands on the porch as students and adults watch.
Students and adults listen to to presenters speak in front of an outdoor log cabin kitchen
Students pet a chicken an adult is holding
Students pose for a photo at long picnic tables covered with blue checkboard cloth
A student lies on his stomach as a student near him rolls a ball
Students run and plan in a gym
Student stand an balances  board as an adult helps steady one
Students sit on circles cross legged as an adult instructs
A student plays as an adult watches
The Livingston Manor & Roscoe Central Schools are excited to announce the opportunity to launch a Boys Junior Varsity Soccer team this season! Are you a student athlete in grades 9-11 who loves soccer and wants to play alongside your friends? This is your opportunity to step up as a leader and build a boys JV soccer team to represent our schools! Register your interest in creating a team by visiting the school website and completing the Google form or by July 14th!
7 months ago, LMCS Updates
Were you unable to attend graduation? See photos and a video on our Facebook page, or watch the livestreams here:
8 months ago, Livingston Manor Central School
Students toss their caps into the air
Important Notice: Due to unforeseen circumstances, the LMCS Fitness Center will be closed on Monday, July 1, 2024 and is expected to reopen on Tuesday, July 2nd at regular hours. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.
8 months ago, LMCS Updates
Sandra Gerry and staff from Sullivan 180 and Assemblywoman Aileen Gunter visited LMCS on Thursday, June 26, to present the award of the Golden Feather Community Impact Grant to renovate the track, basketball and tennis courts and install a greenhouse learning space. Funding for this project was made possible in part by a $100,000 Community Impact Grant from Sullivan 180 and a $250,000 grant secured by Assemblywoman Aileen Gunther. "The expanded health and wellness and educational opportunities made possible by these improvements will not only benefit our students and staff but the greater Livingston Manor community as well," Superintendent John Evans said.
8 months ago, Livingston Manor Central School
Seven people pose with a giant check
We honor the members of the Class of 2024. Today is Samuel Wolkoff. Graduation will be at 10 a.m. Saturday, June 29, in the new gym.
8 months ago, Livingston Manor Central School
A graphic featuring a photo and name of the graduate in the post with the LMCS logo, Class of 2024, a graduation cap and diploma.
Congratulations to our Class of 2024 Sullivan County BOCES students Shayla Boyles and Thomas Gale, who graduated on Tuesday, June 25.
8 months ago, Livingston Manor Central School
Thomas Gale in a cap and gown
Shayla Boyles in a cap and gown.
We honor the members of the Class of 2024. Today is Sarah Williams. Graduation will be at 10 a.m. Saturday, June 29, in the new gym.
8 months ago, Livingston Manor Central School
A graphic featuring a photo and name of the graduate in the post with the LMCS logo, Class of 2024, a graduation cap and diploma.
We honor the members of the Class of 2024. Today is Mackenzie Ward. Graduation will be at 10 a.m. Saturday, June 29, in the new gym.
8 months ago, Livingston Manor Central School
A graphic featuring a photo and name of the graduate in the post with the LMCS logo, Class of 2024, a graduation cap and diploma.
We honor the members of the Class of 2024. Today is Haiden Vail. Graduation will be at 10 a.m. Saturday, June 29, in the new gym.
8 months ago, Livingston Manor Central School
A graphic featuring a photo and name of the graduate in the post with the LMCS logo, Class of 2024, a graduation cap and diploma.
We honor the members of the Class of 2024. Today is Marc Trifilo. Graduation will be at 10 a.m. Saturday, June 29, in the new gym.
8 months ago, Livingston Manor Central School
A graphic featuring a photo and name of the graduate in the post with the LMCS logo, Class of 2024, a graduation cap and diploma.