Livingston Manor-Roscoe Central School District merger information

On Thursday, Dec. 19, voters in the Livingston Manor and Roscoe Central School districts approved a proposal to merge the districts via centralization.

Voters approved the merger by a vote of 351-227 in Livingston Manor and 283-106 in Roscoe.

Also on the ballot were two questions on the composition and terms of the new district’s board of education. Voters determined the board would be seven members with terms of three years. Terms will be staggered.

Nineteen people interested in serving on the new board gathered enough signatures on a nominating petition, which were due Jan. 23, to be placed on the ballot for the new Board of Education, with the election of board members to take place in Feb. 20. The snow date is Feb. 21 The election was originally scheduled for Feb. 13 but was postponed because of inclement weather.

Absentee ballot applications are due 5 p.m. Feb. 19, with the completed ballot due by 5 p.m. on the day of the vote.

There were two candidates night events, hosted by the Roscoe and Livingston Manor Teacher Associations, at 6 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 5, at the Roscoe school and 6 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 6, at Livingston Manor school. Recordings of the meetings can be found at the links below.

Candidate bios can be found here.

The organizational meeting of the new board will be Feb. 25 at Livingston Manor.

There will be a public hearing on local tax exemptions before the meeting, at 6:15 p.m. All existing exemptions of the two districts will sunset with the formation of the new district. The local tax exemptions must be approved by the new LM-R board and residents must reapply for them by the March 1 deadline. Contact your local assessor for details on how to apply or reapply, For more details, visit

The hearing and meeting were originally scheduled for Feb. 18 but were postponed because of the delayed BOE election.

The new board will determine critical aspects of the new district, including name, school colors, mascot, contracts, staffing and more and will craft the district’s 2025-26 operating budget, which will go before voters on May 20.

The new district will begin operation July 1, 2025.

Important dates

  • Jan. 23: Board of Education Nominating Petitions due by 5 p.m.; ballot name placement drawing at 7 p.m.

  • Feb. 5: 6 p.m. BOE candidate meet and greet, Roscoe school Recording available here

  • Feb. 6: 6 p.m. BOE candidate meet and greet, Livingston Manor Central School. Recording available here

  • Feb. 7: Final day for absentee ballot applications to be received if they are to be mailed.

  • Feb. 19: Final day for absentee ballot applications to be received in person.

  • Feb. 20: School board election, noon to 8 p.m., Livingston Manor; completed absentee ballots must be received by 5 p.m. day of the vote (originally scheduled for Feb. 13 but postponed because of inclement weather) *Snow date is Feb. 21.

  • Feb. 25: Public hearing on local tax exemptions, 6:15 p.m., Livingston Manor (originally scheduled for Feb. 18 but postponed because of delayed BOE election)

  • Feb. 25: Organizational School Board Meeting, 6:30 p.m., Livingston Manor (originally scheduled for Feb. 18 but postponed because of delayed BOE election)

For more information

Stories/resources on the merged district

How we got here